Konami has gone and done it again!  They have created a super card that players will be chomping at the bit to get their hands onto no matter the cost (and BELIEVE me it will cost). This card is an combination of several cards that have been banned for some time due to their perceived overpowered nature.

Recently Konami decided to combine the abilities of Mirror Force (currently an unlimited card) and Harpies Feather Duster (currently a forbidden card) into a brand new card called Lightning Storm. Lightning Storm is a Bank Breaking POWERHOUSE that allows you to either destroy all of your opponent’s face up attack position cards OR destroy all of your opponent’s spell and trap cards on the field.

The caveat to using this card is that you cannot possess ANY face up cards on the field, essentially making this a perfect card in a deck set up to go second during any match up. Being able to Wipe out your opponent’s creatures (lets face it, NO ONE sets monsters anymore) or wipe out their ENTIRE back row before you start setting your board up to dominate the game.

Now for Talent of Three Battles. This card is a combination of Pot of Greed (forbidden), Change of Heart (forbidden) and an enhanced Trap Dustshoot (forbidden). Unbanning ANY of these cards and unleashing their abilities would be game changing to be sure but to unlock all three is INSANE.

Lets look at Each part of Talent of Three Battles:

First up is the Pot of Greed ability, draw 2 cards. Pretty straightforward and self explanatory. This is nothing more than pure deck thinning and card advantage, a great thing to have available anytime during a duel.

Next up is the Change of Heart ability allowing you to take control of your opponent’s monster until the end of the turn. Great for a combo extender to take an opponent’s monster and link it away, tribute it away, xyz/synchro/fusion it away. More of a going second or later game ability but good to have in the back pocket if you need it for those prolonged match ups.

The last ability to look at is actually an Enhanced version of Trap Dustshoot. Trap Dustshoot’s original ability could ONLY return a monster card from their hand to the deck, an AMAZING ability to be sure. But the enhanced ability on this card allows you to target ANY card from their hand to their deck. Talk about control, the ability to view your opponent’s hand then remove ANY problematic card from it. HUGE ADVANTAGE.

Now for the restriction (hahahaha, yea right, this isn’t a restriction and we all know it). Our opponent need to activate a creature ability during our main phase before we can activate this card and any of its effects. Lets see… how can we accomplish this… thats right, HAND TRAPS. Everyone runs these annoying, nastly little things in their decks these days (if not the main deck then definitely in the side deck). Now when we bait out a hand trap we will have the option of this card going live and gaining retaliatory abilities.

 Personally I think they went too lax on the restriction and made this one too easy to play and too powerful to utilize. It will most likely become a staple in EVERY SINGLE DECK.

 Keep brewing and theory crafting.