MTG lead designer Gavin Verhey posted a video on his twitter account yesterday March 31st 2020 discussing the upcoming Ikoria set release.

Apparently he is releasing faux spoiler videos featuring the “Council of Colors” to hint at upcoming spice being added to the game. The Council of Colors are a group of developers at Wizards that determine the flow and direction of each of the five colors. They make decisions about what each color can and can’t do.

Here is the previous video, released Monday March 30th 2020, with council of colors Red representative Jules Robins.

Tuesday March 31st brings us a message from the White Council of Colors member Ari Nieh.

In this Video Ari mentions a “white card that will give all of your creatures an ability, a former keyword, with one letter removed and two new letters in its place.” That sends tingles up my spine! Is it banding, flanking… OOHHHH the possibilites.

We will see what the council has in store for us tomorrow.

Check back for the latest information and spoilers related to MTG Ikoria