Looks like yet ANOTHER round of adjustments are needed across several formats this time to FORCE balance back into the meta game with July’s Banned/Restricted List.

Back when Magic was young you didn’t have this issue with imbalance within the game. Whenever a powerful deck emerged other players would innovate and counter with their own creations. Creative decks ran wild across the game and no one remained king of the hill for long. Thousand dollar decks could succumb to twenty dollar decks. There was no “meta” game because the game was in a constant state of growth and flux.

Fast forward to today. Stagnation has taken over the game. player rarely innovate anymore. they simply wait for those in the Pro Tour to fashion a winning deck then run out and buy up all the components of that deck to net deck/cookie cutter it to dominate their local scene. No thought, no imagination. This trend has completely ruined the game taking it from a fun get together between friends to enjoy and have fun to a cut throat first turn kill game that all depends on who can spend the most money for the latest kill strategy.

This toxic mentality has led us to the current need to CONSTANTLY ban and remove cards from being able to be played. once someone develops a wining combo EVERYONE net decks it and now you have hundreds if not thousands of carbon copies of that deck running rampant. This forces WotC to in turn dismantle those decks by removing the lynch pin of those combos. It is a never ending cycle of futility.

Remember to keep brewing and theory crafting. The game needs your innovation and imagination. Be original!