Welcome back to TCGInformer for more exciting information about upcomming, errrr current, product releases.  It has been one year since MTG introduced the Secret Lair series and it has been a HUGE success.  Over the last year we have seen spectacular alternate artwork applied to our favorite cards, helped charity, walked with the dead and even helped to save tokyo from godzilla (not really).

Now, one year later, they are dropping yet another AMAZING bundle featuring several artists and art styles.  Lets take a look at what they have unleashed on us for the holidays.

A Box of Rocks

First up we have the set named “Box of Rocks.”  Of course to all of us familiar with the game we immediately get the reference.  For those of you that may be new “Rocks” is a reference to mana rocks, these are artifacts that you cast that produce  (yep you guessed it) MANA!

The artwork on these is simply stunning and they are well worth the pickup to put into any deck or collection.

Arcane Signet
Chromatic Lantern
Commander's Sphere
Darksteel Ingot
Gilded Lotus

Next up is a tribute to the late Bob Ross, a famous Landscapes painter that some of us may remember from PBS MANY, MANY years ago.  He was always painting happy little this’s and that’s.  So fittingly, this set is called Happy Little Gathering.

It is ONLY appropriate that any tribute to this legendary artist be in the form of LANDS!  They have scoured through his paintings and art and found ten to be put on the basic lands (two lands each).  They came out Beautifully!

Happy Little Gathering
Bob Ross Forest 01
Bob Ross Island 01
Bob Ross Mountain 01
Bob Ross Plains 01
Bob Ross Swamp 01
Bob Ross Forest 02
Bob Ross Island 02
Bob Ross Mountain 02
Bob Ross Plains 02
Bob Ross Swamp 02

Third on our list is a tribute to 70’s & 80’s HEAVY METAL called Party Hard, Shred Harder.  These cards are reimagined as metal band posters/flyers.  This is the kind of thing you may have seen on MTV’s Headbangers Ball WAY back when they still played music on MTV, lol.

Kind of appropriate they chose Magic cards that will rip and shred your opponents right out of the game.  Definitely a MUST HAVE for the HARD CORE gamers out there.

Party Hard Shred Harder
Anguished Unmaking
Assassins Trophy
Artist Series Seb Mckinnon

Artist Series Seb Mckinnon Showcases an established MTG artist with several card art credits to his name.  

Seb Mckinnon’s style appears to be fixed on pure fantasy in this series and the artwork is simply spectacular!

Enchanted Evening
Sower of Temptation

Last, but most certainly not least, is the “We Hope you Like Squirrels” set.  This set is a playful reintroduction of a deck archetype that has been played for gits and shiggles since the late 90’s.  EVERYONE has heard of a squirrel deck and most of us old timers have even owned a few in our day.

Squirrs represent the non-competative, nostalgic fun aspect of what MTG used to offer.  Silly times with friends gathered to enjoy each other company while playing an amazing game together.  This set is a MOST welcome and fitting addition to the Secret Lair Drop Series.

We Hope you Like Squirrels
Chatter of the Squirrel
Krosan Beast
Squirrel Mob
Squirrel Token
Squirrel Wrangler

All-in-all I feel as though they knocked one out of the park with this bundle.  TONS of great art, fitting tributes and walks down memory lane… you can’t ask for much more than that.

Make sure to act fast as this Secret Lair event will be ending on the 14th of December.  For more details, or simply to begin shopping, visit here: https://secretlair.wizards.com/us

As always stay safe & keep brewing and theory crafting.