Hey Everyone,

Wizards has given us another incentive to support our Local Game Stores during this time of pandemic and closure. Now that businesses are reopening (at least for selling product) Wizards is offering a FANTASTIC opportunity to snag yourself one of the Godzilla Monsters that was unavailable to those of us outside of Japan… thats right you can now get yourself a copy of MECHAGODZILLA, BATTLE FORTRESS!

All you have to do to get this card is purchase a booster box of Ikoria from your LGS (Local Game Store). Make sure you call ahead to confirm that your LGS is running this promo AND had a stock of the promo cards available for you to aquire.

I know I will be hitting up my one (or a few) of my LGS’s (shoutouts to Game Theory (NC), The Toy Factory (NC) and Atomic Empire (NC)) to get some product and some sweet, sweet Mechagodzilla Promos.

Make sure we continue to support our Stores so they are there for us when this crisis is OVER.

Keep brewing and theroy crafting.