It seems despite Wizards best efforts just about every new set release unleashes a game breaking card that will need to be dealt with in the current meta play.  Usually this is confined to standard play as the incomming set will possess new abilities that just interract in unexpected ways with existing cards (seriously, don’t they playtest?).

The latest offender to allow for overwhelming shenannigans is Tibalt’s Trickery.

Combining this card with the ability CASCADE has an unintended effect that has the potential to break the modern metagame.  In the video we will put at the bottom of this article you will see that the video’s creator has built a specific deck to exploit this unintended reaction to cast, for free, cards such as Ulamog and Emrakul from the deck and at ZERO, yes you read that correctly, ZERO casting cost.

Thisis a strategy worthy of the trickster himself. 

Honestly, this particular strategy probably won’t see dominance in the meta (although it could), it shows us the need for balance in card and ability design.  perhapse a simple counterspell would have been in order (hell they bitched about 2 cost for counterspell being game breaking and then they release this!!!!).  unless they intended for exploitation on this scale to see a turn 1/2 Emrakul hit the board.

As always, keep brewing and theory crafting.

Tiblat's Trickery