Before the wind was taken out of our sails by the worldwide Coronavirus crisis, most of us were eagerly anticipating the upcoming Master Rule changes going into effect on April 1st 2020.

Commonly, if incorrectly, referred to as MR5 (Master Rule 5), These changes are going to reshape the current landscape of the game. The new master rule unlocks the restrictions on Fusion, XYZ & Synchro extra deck monsters allowing them to be summoned to ANY monster zone you control, not just the Extra Monster Zone or Link Zones. No more reliance on Link monsters to get out your boss monsters or being limited to just one extra deck monster at a time in the Extra Monster Zone. This opens up a WORLD of possibilities for a lot of decks considered “tier 2” or “rogue strategy” to rise up and start showing some dominance in today’s meta game.

It is important to note that Link and Pendulum monsters are both still chained by the restrictions of the extra monster zone under this rules change. You will still be required to set up your link zones and plan your plays accordingly.

I am looking forward to seeing some more diversity to the game after this rule takes effect and we can get back into our LGS’s and start playing once again.

Keep brewing and theory crafting.