The Time for spoilers has finally arrived.  The Cyber Style Successor structure deck is slowly being leaked a bit at a time.  In our first article we got a glimpse at the newest boss monster Cyberdark End Dragon.  We didn’t receive any stats on this impressive looking beast, just a picture, a name and our imaginations running WILD with possibility.

Now, we have full stats on this MONSTER (and a few other cards as well) and quite honestly I have some mixed feelings. 

Let’s begin by taking a look at Cyberdark End Dragon!

Cyberdark End Dragon

First things first, this card is INSANE entering the battlefield with an overwhelming BASE attack of 5000 and a defense of 3800.  Only a handful of monsters throughout the history of Yu-Gi-Oh have had such power bestowed upon them.

This card is a fusion monster and combination of Cyberdark Dragon & Cyber End Dragon.  To get it onto the field you MUST either fusion summon it (let’s face it that will be the more difficult road at the moment) OR you can special summon by tributing a Level 10 or lower Cyberdark fusion monster equipped with Cyber End Dragon.  

Cyberdarkness Dragon

Currently (since the rest of the Cyber Style Successor deck has yet to be spoiled) there is only one monster capable of being utilized in the special summon condition of Cyberdark End Dragon and that would be Cyberdarkness Dragon.  Cyberdarkness Dragon has the ability to equip either a machine or dragon type monster, to itself, from the graveyard.  So, if you can manage to get Cyber End Dragon to the Graveyard AND manage to special summon Cyberdarkness Dragon to the field you can then equip and meet the special summon requirements for Cyberdark End Dragon.

Cyberdark End Dragon is “unaffected by any effects activated by your opponent,” making this one nasty beastie to contend with once it hits the field.  This ability is beyond broken as non-targeting and targeting effects are worthless and about the only ways left to deal with this creature would be to use it as tribute to a Nibiru, Lava Golem or Kaiju.

“Once per turn you can equip one monster from EITHER graveyard to this card.”  This is HUGE.  being able to control your opponent’s graveyard and deny them access to monster resources can be devastating.  It can also equip MULTIPLE monsters to itself and is not limited to just one equip, which leads us into the final card ability…

“This card’s maximum number of attacks per battle phase equals the number of cards equipped to it.”  Every turn this card remains on the field it gains another attack (up to a maximum of 5 per turn).  At 5000 attack, this makes this card very Godlike in it’s potential.

While this card is very impressive, with what information we currently have available to us from the spoilers so far it is still lackluster.  We will need to see what other support will be coming out in this deck to help to facilitate the quick release of such a creature.  As it stands now the need for 5 cyberdark monsters to fuse into a Cyberdarkness Dragon AND a way to get the cyber end dragon into the graveyard for equipping is way too clunky and slow to even really play casually let alone in ANY tournament settings.

The next card we will be looking at will be the Cyberdark Chimera

Cyberdark Chimera

First off this is a BRAND NEW cyberdark support monster that will quickly become the main focus support of the deck.

It’s first ability is a multi-part ability so let’s look at each part:  First When Cyberdark Chimera is on the field you can discard one Spell/Trap card from your hand to search and add one Power Bond Spell card from your deck to your hand (watch out for Ash Blossom!).

Power Bond is a POWERFUL and nostalgic spell card from the anime series that allowed Zane Truesdale to overcome all opponents (except one) at Duel Academy.  In Real life dueling it was originally used in the construction of the first generation of Cyber dragon decks to give MASSIVE power boosts to your Fusion summoned creatures (Cyber End Dragon) and OTK your opponent before taking the detrimental effect of a LOT of life point damage.

Having a Power Bond searcher will add an impressive power spike to a Cyberdark Dragon deck especially if it is used somehow to get out Cyberdark End Dragon (Raising it’s attack from 5000 to 10,000).  Being able to search out Power

Power Bond

Bond is ALSO extremely useful in a Cyber Dragon deck as well as we have quite a few ways to utilize it and get out an extra boss monster to beat our opponent into submission.  Imagine ending on your normal board of Cyber Dragon Infinity, Cyber Dragon Sieger and Chimeratech Rampage Dragon (with 3 attacks) AND being able to Power Bond summon out a Cyber End Dragon with 8000 attack as well.  

The next part of the Ability is after you have searched for the Power Bond you can not use monsters for fusion material for the rest of the turn except machine and dragon type “cyber” monsters.  This clause is actually nice as it locks you into playing either Cyber Dragons or Cyberdark Dragons and keeps this ability from being splashed into EVERY other machine/dragon deck in existence.  It provides something unique for players of these archetypes.

The last part of this ability is: “once, if you fusion summon this turn, you can also use monsters in your graveyard as fusion material by banishing them.”  This is the icing on the cake for this ability.  We get to search for a Power Bond which allows us to already utilize fusion materials from our hand or field to fusion summon, and now, we get to ALSO use the monsters in our graveyard for a fusion summon as well.  Being able to use the same monsters multiple times for summoning like in a Cyber Dragon deck using Overload Fusion and Cyberload Fusion is an INCREDIBLE advantage and a most efficient use of resources.

The second ability of this card is also pretty special: “If this card is sent to the graveyard: you can send one “cyberdark” monster from your deck to the graveyard, with a name different from the cards in your graveyard.”  Cyberdarks have ALWAYS been good at packing the graveyard and this ability keeps up this tradition.  This card allows you to help pack your grave with different cyberdark monsters to be able to special summon cards like Cyberdarkness Dragon more quickly and gain access to your ultimate boss monster Cyberdark End Dragon.

The Final Card That we will be looking at today is Cybernetic Horizon.

Cybernetic Horizon

NOW we are talking.  Cybernetic Horizon is a normal spell card that is always treated as a “Cyberdark” card.   This allows you to search this card with the effect of Cyberdark Claw and get it to your hand quickly.  

You can ONLY activate one card with this card’s name per turn.  Otherwise it would be a BUSTED card allowing you to stack your hand and graveyard with little to no effort.  

You cannot special summon monsters from the extra deck the turn you activate this card, except machine type monsters.  Well, considering that the two decks this card may be utilized in are both machine decks this particular clause is not an issue.  Unless you’re shoehorning in a dragoon package into your deck or some other type of off archetype shenanigans, this should be of little consequence.

Now to the meat and potatoes of this cards effect: “Send two dragon and/or machine “cyber” monsters with different attributes (light, dark, ect) to the graveyard (one from your hand and the other from the deck), add one dragon or machine “Cyber” monster from your deck to your hand, and if you do, send one machine “Cyber” Fusion Monster from your extra deck to the graveyard.”

HOLY $%*@.  Now we have a foolproof way to get our Cyber End Dragon into the graveyard along with other summoning materials toward the Cyberdarkness Dragon.  The most prevalent question that comes to mind is will there be another Cyberdark monster with a different attribute being released to utilize this card’s ability (as currently ALL Cyberdark monsters are dark attribute) OR will we have to splash Cyber Dragon (or one of its ilk) into the deck to make this work?

Now in a Cyber Dragon deck this card is AMAZING as it allows you to search out and for a Cyber Dragon Core if you do not open one up.  Using this card and Cyberdark Chimera in and existing Cyber Dragon deck you can play Cybernetic Horizon, chuck Cyberdark Chimera and any Cyber Dragon from hand and deck then search out a Cyber Dragon Core to put into your hand (the only thing missing now is a card to search out Machine Duplication).  Then you can chuck one Machine “Cyber” Fusion Monster to the graveyard (Cyber Eternity Dragon perhaps?).

These spoilers have great potential and we will certainly be awaiting further card leaks to see what synergy and goodies they have planned for us.

Thanks for reading.

As always, stay safe.  Keep brewing and theory crafting.