The September forbidden/limited list dropped on Friday 9/11/20 (went into effect on Monday 9/14/20) and it was a BOMBSHELL of a list. They swung the ban hammer HARD this go around hitting 3 of the most problematic combo cards in the game currently (I say this because they were in EVERY SINGLE deck profile). Block Dragon, Jet Synchron and Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion are no longer available for play. Now, Block Dragon was really only used in one or two deck list strategies, but it made those strategies STRONG. Jet Synchron and O-Lion were used in just about every single deck list created over the last four to six months. They were mainstay combo components in degenerate linkross/needlefiber combos that would lockout your opponent from being able to even play yugioh. Good riddance to both of those problematic cards.

There was one hit, not a ban hammer hit (might as well have been though), but a limit hammer hit that hurt A LOT of players and that was Called by the Grave. This card is LITERALLY the ONLY card that is a direct counter to the scourge known as hand traps. It was reduced to 1 copy per deck which just is not enough. This call by Konanmi makes zero sense and hurts the vast majority of its player base that rely on these cards to apply some kind of balance to an already unbalanced game. I mean lets look at the numbers here… you could have 3 Called by the Grave in your deck (non-searchable, luck of the draw) versus 15-21 hand traps in your opponent’s deck (Ash Blossom, Ghost Ogre, Droll & Lockbird, Effect Veiler, Phantasmay, ect…) all at 3 each. Players were already at a disadvantage to begin with with only having 3 answers to 15+ cards, but, now we are left with the choice of ONE answer to 15+ cards. ONE unsearchable answer. This was a BAD CALL by Konami and one that should be reversed immediately.

On to more positive news from the list.

Harpie's Feather Duster

Taken out of the penalty box and finally allowed back onto the field to play is the ONE, the ONLY… HARPIE’S FEATHER DUSTER! After years of exile in the deepest recesses of the shadow realm this gem has returned to us as a one of in our deck strategies. This is a welcome re-addition to our arsenal and a great nostalgia card. Harpie Lady players should especially be excited as their decks will see a slight boost running this card as it is searchable/recyclable off the trap card Harpies’ Feather Storm.

It is also worth noting that depending on which version of Harpie’s Feather Duster you own you could be sitting on a Very valuable card.  make sure to check your pricing resources before you trade or sell this beauty.

Here is the link to the Official Konami Yugioh Forbidden/Limited list.


It is worth mentioning that the OCG forbidden/limited list also dropped over the weekend and they had two very HIGH PROFILE cards make the forbidden list. Both Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon and S0 Utopic Zexal were banished to the shadow realm. Could these cards meet the same fate in the TCG? Or will Konami find a way to balance them out before they become too problematic and start wrecking meta play? Only time will tell. We will have to watch how they are played in the current meta given the ease of introducing the Numeron engine and the Predaplant/Red-Eyes Fusion combo in almost ANY deck. Hopefully we will not have been anticipating using these cards just to have them ripped away.

OCG Banlist September 2020

As always stay safe, keep brewing and theory crafting.