Translations have been released for the latest v-jump promos hitting Japan. This is a special Prismatic Secret Pack that contains four new support cards for various anime archetypes. There is XYZ Jinzo Layer, Synchro Harpie Lady Scratch Clash, Fusion Time Magus & Hundred Dragon effect monster.

Lets take a look at what is Comming down the pipeline:

Okay, while not as powerful as a regular Jinzo effect monster with a blanket negation of ALL traps, Jinzo Layer provides some field control that the archetype did not possess before.  

You can activate each effect of Jinzo Layer once per turn.  Neither is a quick effect so you can only use these effects during your turn.

Effect one: discard one material to control one of your opponent’s monsters until end of turn.  you cannot use its effects nor attack with it.  This leaves ONLY one option… summon fodder.  XYZ, Synchro, link or fusion that bad boy away.  At the very least you will bait out an ability or negate with this activation forcing your opponent to waste it here instead of one of your more valuable targets.

Effect two is pretty straightforward… destruction.  If a trap exists on the field, tribute a material, destroy one face up card on the field.  Plain, simple removal of ANY problematic card spell, trap or creature.  Again, at the very least you will bait out an ability or negate with this effect allowing your more problematic cards a more unhindered path to victory.

Harpie Lady Scratch Clash has already met with some resistance in the community since the translations were released.  several people claming the card isnt worth the paper it is printed on let alone a precious spot in the extra deck.  I say this card fills a VITAL role that has been missing in harpie decks, a beatstick.

First in order to synchro summon this card you ONLY need two Harpy Lady cards (or you COULD find a way to utilize Harpie Girl): a Harpie Lady and 

ANY other Harpie Lady monster card in the deck.  The normal Harpie Lady becomes your level 4 tuner to combine with one of your other level 4 Harpie Lady Monsters to produce this beautiful 2600 atk gem that counts as a Harpie Lady on the field (or in the GY).  

The Quick Effect on this card is, in my opinion, AMAZING!  When a spell, trap or effect is activated target one monster your opponent controls or one Harpie monster you control and return it to the hand.  you can save one of your monsters from being targeted (controled, destroyed) or you can destroy one of your opponent’s powerful monsters as they prepare for an overwhelming assault.  

 I see Harpie Lady Scratch Clash earning AT LEAST one extra deck slot in every single Harpie Lady deck.  The synergy is just too good with the other Harpie Lady cards and she will benefit the deck by filling that beatstick role the deck so desperately needed. 

Sadly, Time Magus is pretty lackluster as a monster card.  It has a great effect in that no matter what you are wiping both sides of the field clean of all monsters.  The less that desirable part of the effect is the coin flip.

If you WIN the coin flip you inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the combined original attack of all face up destroyed monsters.

If you LOSE the flip you take damage equal to half the original attack of all face up destroyed monsters.

In todays game of large boards and beefy monsters routinely adding up to 3000+ attack each you could end up doing your opponent’s job for them just by losing the flip of a coin.

On a surface inspection of this card it’s effects are meh. 

Hundred Dragon can manipulate its level which does come in handy for XYZ and synchro summoning.  As a matter of fact I fully expect to see this shoehorned into some twenty step combo to bring out a nasty boss monster from your extra deck.

Hundered Dragon’s second effect to protect and extra deck monster you control on the field from destruction is pretty nifty.  I am not sure it is a powerful enough effect to see play in may decks.

Obviously these effects will be subject to modification or outright change before they ever make it to the TCG and we will have to wait and see how the players incorporate these new cards into their strategies, but I see some fan favorites getting some love and support from Konami with this one and I am looking forward to dusting off my Harpie Lady deck and having some fun when they drop here in the TCG.

Keep Brewing and Theory Crafting!